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Angular Google Maps/nodejs: Display Markers From Database

I'm building an application with NodeJS and Angular Google Maps to display a set of data/coordinates from MongoDB onto the map. However, I'm unable to get the data and display it.

Solution 1:

Here is an example of how displaying markers on the map works. A couple of pointers:

  • When displaying multiple markers, use the ui-gmap-markers directive instead of ng-repeating the single marker directive.
  • Similarly, use the plural version ui-gmap-windows to show the windows.
  • The markers directive reads the coordinates from an object key you provide to it: <ui-gmap-markers coords="'coords'" ... > reads the coordinates from the coords attribute of your marker. Same goes for other attributes, too, like events, options etc.
  • I assume your LocFac.getLocations() returns a promise - thus your Markers variable very likely isn't getting assigned correctly. You're better off assigning $scope.markers inside the .then callback of your API call as follows:

    $scope.markers = []; // init markers to empty array so angular-google-maps has something to draw markers from
    LocFac.getLocations().then(function(data) {
        var markers =;
        angular.forEach(markers, function(marker) {
            // Assign 'coords' attribute here for the directive to read
            marker.coords = {
                latitude: marker.latitude,
                longitude: marker.longitude
        $scope.markers = markers;

If you still need help after this, I'll be happy to provide some :)

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