Knockout.js Foreach: But Only When Comparison Is True
How can I control the foreach to ignore certain elements by using a comparison? What I want for example is something like this:
Way 1:
<divdata-bind="foreach: entry"><divdata-bind="if: entry.number > 10"></div></div>
Way 2:
Write a custom filter method that gives you an array of elements that match your conditions and use this in your foreach
Solution 2:
try this:
<divdata-bind="foreach: editingItem.columns"><!-- ko if: Selected--><divdata-bind="text: Name"></div><inputtype="text"/><!-- /ko -->
Solution 3:
I think it would be better to use the built in arrayFilter method ( see )
viewModel.filteredEntries = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.entries(), function(item) {
return item.number > 10;
}, viewModel);
Then you can just databind to the filteredEntries as you would normally
Solution 4:
What about
<div data-bind="foreach: _.filter(entry(), function(item) { return item.number > 10;})">
using underscore.js
Solution 5:
You can use array.filter function to filter the array, Don't forget to pass "this"
<div data-bind="foreach: yourArrayHere.filter(function(entry){return entry.number > 10}, this)">
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