In The Flux Architecture, Who Is Responsible For Sending Updates To The Server?
So in the flux architecture, data flows as follows: View -> Action -> Dispatcher -> Store ^ <-----------------------------| So let's say the view is a comment box. Wh
Solution 1:
In your case Action is responsible for both sending a pending action or optimistic update to the store and sending a call to the WebAPI:
View -> Action -> Pending Action or optimistic update -> Dispatcher -> Store -> emitEvent -> View
-> WebUtils.callAPI()
onWebAPISuccess -> Dispatcher -> Store -> emitEvent -> View
onWebAPIFail -> Dispatcher -> Store -> emitEvent -> View
Solution 2:
This is a great question. Here is how I do it.
I create a module for my API. I import that module in actions.js, then dispatch the API responses to my store. Here is an example (uses fluxxor) of what the store with my API calls in my application may look like:
# actions.js
var MyAPI = require('./my-api'),
Constants = require('./constants/action-constants');
module.exports = {
doSomeCrazyStuff: function(stuff, userID) {
MyAPI.doSomeCrazyStuff(stuff, userID)
.success(function(resp) {
this.dispatch(Constants.DO_CRAZY_STUFF_SUCCESS, {stuff: resp.stuff});
if (resp.first_stuff_did) {
this.dispatch(Constants.SHOW_WELCOME_MESSAGE, {msg: resp.msg});
.error(function(e) {
this.dispatch(Constants.DO_CRAZY_STUFF_ERROR, {e: resp.error});
# store.js
var Fluxxor = require('fluxxor'),
ActionConstants = require('./constants/action-constants');
var StuffStore = module.exports = {
initialize: function() {
this.stuff = null;
_bindActions: function() {
ActionConstants.DO_CRAZY_STUFF_SUCCESS, this.handleDoCrazyStuffSuccess
handleDoCrazyStuffSuccess: function(payload) {
this.stuff = payload.stuff;
# stuff-component.js
var React = require('react'),
Fluxxor = require('fluxxor'),
FluxMixin = Fluxxor.FluxMixin(React),
StoreWatchMixin = Fluxxor.storeWatchMixin;
var StuffComponent = module.exports = React.createClass(function() {
mixins: [FluxMixin, StoreWatchMixin("StuffStore")],
getStateFromFlux: function() {
flux = this.getFlux();
var StuffStore ="StuffStore").getState();
return {
stuff: StuffStore.stuff
onClick: function() {
render: function() {
return <div onClick={this.onClick}>{this.state.stuff}</div>
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