Comparing Values In Array Fails
Sometimes comparing two strings within arrays fails. Failing occurs occasionally only in looped ifs. Example code below stands for implementing the problem. searchTable.sort(); for
Solution 1:
You seem to have concluded that the problem is related to the actual data in the arrays. I suspect we can't help more specifically without seeing what that data is.
If putting valueOf()
in front makes it work, then you can code a check for when the comparison with valueOf()
is different than just straight !=
and output the two values to the debug console or break into the debugger so you can inspect what values are causing the problem. In other words, write code that catches the problem condition and allows you to inspect it.
Solution 2:
Looks like you want to remove double values from an Array. Try using:
var tmpObj = {}, resultArr = [];
if (searchTable[n] in tmpObj){
tmpObj[searchTable[n]] = true;
for (var l in tmpObj){
Note: this will not differentiate between Numbers and Strings (so 1 equals '1')
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