Understanding Callback Function Purpose
Solution 1:
As Javascript is async, sometimes it is difficult to handle response from non-blocking functions, for ex. if you are making an ajax call then it'll be executed asynchronously and results will be returned sometime later, by that time the main execution flow will pass the ajax code and starts executing following statements, in that case, its very difficult to catch the response to process further.
To handle those cases, callbacks comes into picture where you pass a function as the parameter to the ajax function and once the response is returned then call the callback by passing response data as a parameter to process further.
more info here http://callbackhell.com/
Solution 2:
In simple terms you can say a callback is a way of asking a question (or requesting a task) in advance, i.e. when you're done with this do this (usually with the result). The whole point is to set aside functions that are to be done later, usually because you don't have the required inputs to do them now. The 2 main differences between your implementation and the MDN one is that yours is harder to maintain and harder to reason about hence test.
1. Maintanance / Reusability
Imagine you're a few thousand lines of code into a code base then you're required to change what processUserInput() does. Its much easier to change or write a new callback function instead of changing the function processUserInput(). This would be evident if processUserInput was a bit more complicated. This also means the MDN one is much more useful in various scenarios unlike your implementation. You can reuse it in different situations like saying good bye, capitalizing names etc simply by writing different callbacks to plug into processUserInput().
2. Testing / Easier to reason about
The MDN implementation is much more easier to understand. Its easier to assume that the function processUserInput(greeting) will probably return a greeting than it is to assume what processUserInput() does. This makes it easier to test because you can always be sure the MDN implementation will always return the same output given an input.
Solution 3:
Callbacks can be extremely useful depending on the circumstances; for example, when working with JavaScript for Google Chrome browser extension development, a callback can be used for intercepring web requests once it has been setup.
The purpose of a callback in general is to have the callback routine executed upon a trigger - the trigger being an event of some kind. Usually, functionality follows an interface of chained APIs. By implementing callback support, you can redirect execution flow during a stage of an operation. Callbacks are especially useful to third-party developers when dealing with someone elses library depending on what they are trying to do. Think of them like a notification system.
Functions in general taking in parameters is useful for flexibility and maintenance. If you use different functions for different things, the functions can be simply re-used over and over again to provide different functionality - whilst still preventing bloating the source code with more-or-less the same code over and over again. At the same time, if you use functions to your own library and a bug shows up, you can simply patch it for the one function and then it will be solved.
In your example, your passing a callback routine to the function you're calling - the function you're calling will call the callback function and pass the correct parameters. This is flexible because it allows you to have a callback routine called for printing the contents of the variable, and another for calculating the length of the string passed in, or another for logging it somewhere, etc. It allows you to re-use the function you setup, and have a different function called with the correct parameters without re-making the original function.
Solution 4:
This example is not appropriate for understanding callbacks
In simple Language callbacks functions are used when we have to do some stuff after or in response of some other event or function or expression. i.e when the parent function completes its execution then callback gets executed.
simple Example
return cb(status)
returnstatus ? "order Pizza" : "lets play"
Another example
// global variable
var allUserData = [];
// generic logStuff function that prints to console
functionlogStuff (userData) {
if ( typeof userData === "string")
elseif ( typeof userData === "object")
for (var item in userData) {
console.log(item + ": " + userData[item]);
// A function that takes two parameters, the last one a callback function
functiongetInput (options, callback) {
allUserData.push (options);
callback (options);
// When we call the getInput function, we pass logStuff as a parameter.
// So logStuff will be the function that will called back (or executed) inside the getInput function
getInput ({name:"Rich", speciality:"JavaScript"}, logStuff);
refer callback exaplanation
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