Javascript Regular Expression To Wrap Unquoted Json Values (not Keys) With Double Quotes
I have been trying to wrap some malformed JSON values with double quotes. The response is from a Java Servlet (its actually a hashmap) which I have no control over. I have managed
Solution 1:
Here's a way to quote all keys and values, as you want:
hashmap = hashmap.replace(/ /g, '') // strip all spaces
.replace(/([\w]+)=/g, '"$1"=') // quote keys
.replace(/=([\w]+)/g, ':"$1"') // quote values
.replace(/=([[{])/g, ':$1'); // = to : before arrays and objects also
This produces:
Now you can convert it to JavaScript object with:
obj = JSON.parse(hashmap);
However, more in line with JSON parsing would be not to quote numeric values, but rather to parse them as numbers, like this:
hashmap = hashmap.replace(/ /g, '')
.replace(/([\w]+)=/g, '"$1"=')
.replace(/=([a-zA-Z_]+)/g, ':"$1"')
.replace(/=([\d]+)/g, function(m, num) {return':'+parseFloat(num)})
.replace(/=([[{])/g, ':$1')
This produces:
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