How To Know If Node-webkit App Is Running With Administrator/elevated Privilege?
How to determine if node-webkit is running with administrator privilege on Windows?
Solution 1:
Don't use npm packages for any small task - this is very bad practice.
var isElevated;
try {
child_process.execFileSync( "net", ["session"], { "stdio": "ignore" } );
isElevated = true;
catch ( e ) {
isElevated = false;
Solution 2:
On windows, you can use the npm package is-admin, to check if the node process is elevated.
const isAdmin = require('is-admin');
isAdmin().then(elevated => {
if (elevated) {
} else {
console.log('Not elevated');
There is also a cross platform implementation called is-elevated which bundles elevation checks for Unix and Windows
Solution 3:
Using the node-windows module, you can call the following function to determine whether the current user has admin rights:
var wincmd = require('node-windows');
if (isAdmin) {
console.log('The user has administrative privileges.');
} else {
console.log('NOT AN ADMIN');
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