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Synchronous Javascript

XCode has webkit built in, and XCode can issue a JavaScript command and receive a return value. All that is good - except when JavaScript has a callback function like with execute

Solution 1:

There are two solutions - you may either write your entire program in continuation passing style or you may use trampolines to simulates real continuations.

If you want to use continuation passing style then I suggest you first read the following StackOverflow thread: What's the difference between a continuation and a callback?

Continuation passing style can be a pain to write. Fortunately there are JavaScript preprocessors like jwacs (Javascript With Advanced Continuation Support) which ease writing such code:

The second option (using trampolining) currently only works in Firefox and Rhino. Sorry XCode. You can read more about trampolining here: Trampolines in Javascript and the Quest for Fewer Nested Callbacks

If it interests you then I've written a small fiber manager for JavaScript that allows you to call asynchronous functions synchronously:

Solution 2:

May I suggest checking it periodically?

var executeSqlIsDone = false;
        callback: someCallbackFunction();
//continue processingfunctionsomeCallbackFunction()
    executeSqlIsDone = true;

     if(executeSqlIsDone === false)
          setTimeout(waitUntilCallbackIsFinished, 100); //some low value
     //else - do nothing. Wait.

Also look into

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