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Javascript Scroll To Div With Animation

I have a PhoneGap application that when it opens an HTML page, I want it to scroll to a specific
element. So far I've been able to make it do that with this script usin

Solution 1:

You can do the following:

var scrollToElement = function(el, ms){
    var speed = (ms) ? ms : 600;
        scrollTop: $(el).offset().top
    }, speed);

// specify id of element and optional scroll speed as argumentsscrollToElement('#timeindicatordiv', 600);


Solution 2:

Solution 3:

   // prevent default action


   scrollToElement( $(this).attr('href'), 2000 );

var scrollToElement = function(el, ms){
    var speed = (ms) ? ms : 2000;
        scrollTop: $(el).offset().top
    }, speed);
div {
div:last-child {
<scriptsrc=""></script><ahref="#link1"class="click">link 1</a><br /><ahref="#link2"class="click">link 2</a><br /><ahref="#link3"class="click">link 3</a><br /><divid="link1">Link 1</div><divid="link2">Link 2</div><divid="link3">Link 3</div>

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