What Does The JQuery() Function In JQuery Do?
Solution 1:
$() is an alias for jQuery(), defined as:
// Expose jQuery to the global object
window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
there is a special case defined when $() or jQuery() is called with the first argument being a function:
// HANDLE: $(function)
// Shortcut for document ready
} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
sometimes $ can conflict with other libraries (like prototype) that define the same function, so if you call
it will remove the $ alias, setting it back to the original value found, essentially:
window.$ = _$;
Solution 2:
is same as
is a check whether the jQuery.js file has been loaded or not.
There is another way to check this
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined')
//jQuery has not been loaded
Solution 3:
The $ function is an alias for the jQuery function. So, they are the same.
If you use jQuery in noConflict mode, there is only jQuery() function
Solution 4:
I think it is the same that using $() but you use jQuery() for compatibility with other libs which also use $()
jQuery can be a variable that store a function. Guess that if is to check if it is not undefined or something like that
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