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How To Use Jquery Ui Progress Bar?

I am trying to use jquery ui progress bar with valum file upload plugin. Code :
..... onProgress: function (id, fileName, uploadedByt

Solution 1:

Assuming you have an html with a <div id="progressbar"></div>

the following code will step through the progressbar once every 10 miliseconds untill it reaches 100:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var i = 0; //variable used to count the steps
    function myclick(){ // function called on a button click for example
        var int = self.setInterval(
                if (i == 100) window.clearInterval(int);
                $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar("value", i);
            , 10);

    $('button').button().click(myclick); // a button element which will 
                                         // start the progress bar
    $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar(); //this part sets up the progressbar

Note: The other answers are also valid, I only posted this answer as an answer to "How to properly use a progressbar" part of the question which IMO has not been answered.

Solution 2:

You need to calculate the amount of uploaded bytes in percent.

var percentValue = (uploadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100

        value: percentValue

Solution 3:

The progress bar works in percentages. You will need to convert uploadedBtyes to a % of the totalBytes and then pass this as a number to the value property of the options.

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