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Aws Lambda Fs.readfile Issue

I'm packing some files in my lambda package that I need. I've used some example floating around to nearly get it working. I'm able to verify the path of a file OK const deviceCert

Solution 1:

Copied from the node.js path.resolve() API documentation:

The path.resolve() method resolves a sequence of paths or path segments into an absolute path.

In other words, resolve concatenates a sequence of strings into one string, formatted as an absolute path. However, it does not check whether or not there is a file at this location. You can use either fs.stat() or fs.access() to verify the presence and access of the file.

Solution 2:

eventually confirmed that serverless was packaging the files I needed.

Using fs.readdir I was able to debug the issue and find the path that the packaging process was creating in the Lambda package


Hope this helps someone in the future!!

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