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Mongoose: FindOneAndUpdate Does Not Update An Existing Field

I am trying to fetch every minute a web API data to MongoDB, save it and update when there is any change. The problem is the volume(every field) field is updated only (happens afte

Solution 1:

If you want to update an element in an array, you can consider the positional operator: $ and add the field to your update query.

This identifies an element in an array to update based on a condition.

Example to update the embedded array with a volume field equal to 100 and set to 200:

    id: 1,
    "data.volume": 100
    { $set: { "data.$.volume": 200 } 

Solution 2:

This solution was provided by srinivasy at the following link link

const creatStock = async (symbol, webApiData) => {
  try {
    // reversed array
    const webApiDataReversed = webApiData.reverse();
    const query = { symbol };

    const position = await Stock.findOne(query);

    if (!position) {
      console.log('New stock'.green);
      return Stock.create({
        data: webApiDataReversed,

    await Stock.bulkWrite([
        updateOne: {
          filter: query,
          update: { $pop: { data: 1 } },
        updateOne: {
          filter: query,
          update: {
            $addToSet: {
              data: webApiDataReversed,
  } catch (ex) {
    console.log(`creatStock error: ${ex}`.red);

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