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Pass URL To As $routeParam In AngularJS App

How can I pass actual URL (with slashes, commas, etc.) as a $routeParam to AngularJS App? this will work: this won't: http://pa

Solution 1:

Using $routeProvider in Angular 1.2, you can pass in a url if it's at the end of the path by adding an asterik to the pattern. The following should work whether or not you URLComponentEncode the url.

The route:

angular.module('angularApp', ['ngRoute'])
      .when('/frame/:picture_url*', {
        templateUrl: 'views/frame.html',
        controller: 'PictureFrame'

The controller:

      .controller('PictureFrame', function($scope, $routeParams, $sce){
        //whitelist the URL
        $scope.picture_url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl($routeParams.picture_url);

Then in your template:

<iframe ng-src="{{picture_url}}"></iframe>

Solution 2:

Ok, I've managed to find a solution working with current stable version (@1.0.7).

Current way of handling this problem will involve $route-related events, parsing angular-incompatible urls on the fly and handling them via an additional service working in a similar way as $http interception.

You can see working code examples here:

Main steps

  1. pass an angular-incompatible url as usual, eg. go to
  2. listen to a $routeChangeStart event and extract correct url parameter for paths beginning with /url/
  3. encode the correct url parameter to an angular-compatible form (in this particular case, I use base64). Don't use encodeURIComponent, because angular will treat as any other url
  4. redirect to another route with your business logic, eg.
  5. decode the URL in the controller and use it as usual :)


Create angular app module as usual



      .when('/test', {templateUrl: 'test.html'})
      // This one is important:
      // We define a route that will be used internally and handle 
      // parameters with urls parsed by us via the URLInterceptor service 
      .when('/parsed-url/:url', {templateUrl: 'url.html', controller:'URLCtrl'})
      .when('/', {redirectTo: '/test'})
      .otherwise({templateUrl: '404.html'});



URL Interceptor service (singleton)

.service('URLInterceptor', function($rootScope, $location){
  // We listen to $routeChangeStart event and intercept it if 
  // the path matches our url scheme. In this case, every route
  // beginning with /url/ will be caught
  $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(e, next, current){

    // $location.path does change BEFORE actual routing happens,
    // so in this case we get parsed new location object
    // for free.

    // To be hones, a better way of handling this case might be using 
    // $locationChangeStart event instead, but it would require us to parse urls 
    // manually.
    var path = $location.path();
    // check if string begins with '/url/'
    var matcher = path.slice(0,5);
    var cleanPath = '';
    if (matcher === '/url/'){
      // Yes it does, yay!
      // Remove leading '/url/' to extract the actual parameter
      cleanPath = path.slice(5);
      // Encode our url to a safe version. We know that encodeURIComponent won't 
      // work either, so a good choice might be base64.
      // I'm using
      $location.path('/parsed-url/' + Base64.encode(cleanPath));
      // Prevent default event execution. Note that, it won't cancel related $location Events

  return {
    decode: Base64.decode,
    encode: Base64.encode


// Main application controller
// We instantiate our URLInterceptor service here
.controller('AppCtrl',function($scope, $location, URLInterceptor){
  $scope.navigateTo = function (path) {
    $location.path('/url/' + path);
.controller('URLCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, URLInterceptor){
  $scope.url = URLInterceptor.decode($routeParams.url);

Two things you should remember:

  1. Although I tried to create a solution as clean as possible, usually passing the data this way to angular isn't considered a good practice, so try not to use it unless you really need to.
  2. You can handle this issue with only one route. I just find it cleaner this way.

Solution 3:

I have a solution but I don't know if it will help you. From Angular documention$location $location has a function search(search, paramValue)

To pass the parameter:

parameter = encodeURIComponent url
${ yourURLParameter: parameter }).path('/preview')

To read the parameter:

url = decodeURIComponent $

Of course you need to inject $location dependency

Solution 4:

I have mixed search params with routes. Your search needs to come before your routes.. specifically for older browsers. I think ie7 blows up if its not url/?search/#/hash

Try this format:

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