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JavaScript Regular Expression For Word Boundaries, Tolerating In-word Hyphens And Apostrophes

I'm looking for a Regular Expression for JavaScript that will identify word boundaries in English, while accepting hyphens and apostrophes that appear inside words, but excluding t

Solution 1:

You can organize your word-boundary characters into two groups.

  1. Characters that cannot be alone.
  2. Characters that can be alone.

A regex that works with your example would be:


Regex101 Demo

Now all that's left is to keep adding all non-word characters into those two groups until it fits all of your needs. So you might start adding symbols and more punctuation to those character classes.

Solution 2:

You could write something like that:


Or the compact version:


The RegExp requires one \s (Space character) and selects als spaces and non alphanumeric chars before and after it.

  • \s matches all spaces
  • !-/ every char from ! to /
  • :-@ every char from : to @
  • \[-`` every char from [ to ``
  • \{-~ every char from { to ~

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