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Express MongoDB Find() Based On _id Field

So In my express app, I am trying to find() based on my _id field. See my MongoDB record below. { '_id': { '$oid': '58c2a5bdf36d281631b3714a' },

Solution 1:

    .find( {"_id.$oid": id} )

or even more specific:

    .findOne( {"_id.$oid": id} )

Converting string into ObjectId type before querying

var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;   
    .findOne( {"_id.$oid": new ObjectID(id)})

Reference: If i have a mongo document id as a string how do I query for it as an _id?

Solution 2:

for me "_id.$oid" didn't work. I had to use "_id" as shown in following code snippet.

const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb');

collection.findOne({ "_id": ObjectId(req.params['id']) })

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