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Vue Js - Pass Data Within Two Components In The Same Level

I have data that I need to pass from one component1 to another component2. I don't use vuex or router. Components tree: -Parent --Component1 --Component2 From first component1 I m

Solution 1:

You could emit an event to parent from component1 having as parameters the updated board and in the parent one receive that and pass it through props to component2

In component1 :


in the parent component :

  <component1  @sendToComp2="sendTo2"/>
  <component2 :boards="boards" />


component2 should have property called boards


Solution 2:

The idea is that you have a Parent component which has at least two child components. The child components can trigger an event in the parent component and from Parent to child. So, if Component1 needs to send a message to Component2, it can trigger an event to Parent and then Parent trigger an event for Component2. Example:

export default {
  name: 'Car',
  methods: {
    handleClick: function() {


    <Car v-on:clickedSomething="handleClickInParent" />
    <!-- or -->
    <Car @clickedSomething="handleClickInParent" />

export default {
  name: 'App',
  methods: {
    handleClickInParent: function() {


Solution 3:

You have to follow the "common ancestor pattern".

Consider the following Parent component:

    <child-one :onData="onDataFromChildOne"></child-one>
    <child-two :newData="dataToChildTwo"></child-two>

  export default {
    name: "Parent",
    data() {
      return {
        dataToChildTwo: null
    methods: {
      onDataFromChildOne(data) {
        this.dataToChildTwo = data;

The ChildOne component will receive a function as a prop named onData that should be called when the ajax call is finished. Then:

  import axios from 'axios';

  export default {
    name: "ChildOne",
    props: ['onData'],
    beforeMount() {
        .then(res => {

When onData gets executed, dataToChildTwo will be updated and ChildTwo will receive the new data.

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