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Store `new Date ()` In JSON Object

I have the following field validator object: { type:'date', 'min':new Date() } I was hoping that I could store new Date() as an expression in JSON and it would be executed when it

Solution 1:

save the timestamp:

{ type:'date', 'min':(new Date()).getTime() }

then you read it back:

var result = JSON.parse('{ "type":"date", "min":1234567 }'); = new Date(result.min);

Note: the server you use to serialize it and the server you use to deserialize it has to run in the same timezone

Solution 2:

You can't store the complete Date object in a JSON string. But you can try to store a text representing him :

As a string :

{ type:'date', 'min':(new Date()).toString() }

As a timestamp :

{ type:'date', 'min':(new Date()).getTime() }

As an ISO string :

{ type:'date', 'min':(new Date()).toJSON() }

Solution 3:

JSON does not support the Date datatype (it only supports string number, object, array, true, false, and null). You need to convert it to a string instead.

For example, ISO time:

var json = JSON.stringify( { type:'date', 'min':new Date().toISOString() } );

Solution 4:

The date object, actually has a toJSON method, which you might find useful. However I suggest using getTime as it returns a timestamp, which is usually more flexible.

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