Multiple SetState() Calls In A React Method: How To Make It Work "synchronously"
So I had a problem in my React application, I ran into a specific case where I needed to have multiple setState() calls in one method, and then have code run AFTER the states were
Solution 1:
React documentation encourages the use of componentDidUpdate
instead of the callback parameter of setState
Yet, if you think the code seems a bit messy, try out local consts and make a single call to setState
handleSubmit() {
const {user, pass, passConfirm} = this.refs;
const userError = user.getValue() ? null : "This field is required";
const passError = pass.getValue() ? null : "This field is required";
const passConfirmError = !passError && pass.getValue() === passConfirm.getValue()
? null
: "Passwords do not match";
this.setState({userError, passError, passConfirmError});
if(!userError && !emptyPassError && !passConfirmError)
Finally, documentation also recommends the use of callback refs over strings refs:
Using the ref callback just to set a property on the class is a common pattern for accessing DOM elements. If you are currently using this.refs.myRefName to access refs, we recommend using this pattern instead.
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