Lost "this" In Callback From Tinymce
I have an angular2 app with tinyMce as a HTML editor. The only problem is, I need to convert the URLs in the html through my REST API. To do that I attempted to use 'urlconverter_c
Solution 1:
You can try one of these options:
1) use bind
within tinymce.init
urlconverter_callback: this.urlConverter.bind(this)
or within constructor:
constuctor() {
this.urlConverter = this.urlConverter.bind(this);
2) use arrow function on the urlConverter
urlConverter = (url, node, on_save): string => {
or within tinymce.init
urlconverter_callback: (url, node, on_save) => this.urlConverter(url, node, on_save)
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