JsInterop Wrapping A Javascript Function Property
I am working with GWT 2.8, and I am working on a wrapper for a javascript library. One of the properties of a javascript class I am trying to wrap is a function. I would like the
Solution 1:
As Adam said (and explained in more detail in the other post), you can expose a @JsProperty with a @JsFunction type.
@JsType(isNative=true) public class Foo {
@JsFunction public static interface BarFn {
Object invoke(Object... args);
@JsProperty public BarFn bar;
My recommendation to learn JsInterop is to explore other projects like: OpenLayers JsInterop wrapper, Elemental2 source code, or explore github. Elemental2 has the whole browser API so there are plety of examples, it is a really good place to find examples. JsInterop documentation here.
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