Getting Height Of A Div In Centimeter Using Jquery?
Solution 1:
1px = 0.02645833 cm;
1 cm = 37.795276px;
See these links:
How to access screen display’s DPI settings via javascript?
Solution 2:
Here is a little javascript function to convert CSS pixels to centimeters:
function px2cm(px) {
var d = $("<div/>").css({ position: 'absolute', top : '-1000cm', left : '-1000cm', height : '1000cm', width : '1000cm' }).appendTo('body');
var px_per_cm = d.height() / 1000;
return px / px_per_cm;
It inserts a 1000cm x 1000cm empty <div>
into the page and then read its height in CSS pixels.
By not using magic values (as 1px = 0.02645833 cm suggested above, which only work if your screen DPI is 96) it ensures that the current screen DPI is taken into account.
As the DPI of a screen can never change, you should cache the px_per_cm
to avoid any performance hit any time you call this function
Solution 3:
First you need to decide how many DPI (Dots Per Inch) you are looking at. On a screen this is usually between 72 and 100. Lets take 72 as an example.
72 Dots (Pixels) per Inch.
Which is 72 Pixels per 2.54cm
So 1 cm is 28.35pixels
Now just get the height in pixels, and do the conversion.
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