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Can't Setup Swagger - Cannot Read Property 'parameters' Of Undefined

I am having a problem with setting up the swagger into my node.js application. I am using swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui-express for creating documentation. Here are the versions 's

Solution 1:

OpenAPI does not support $ref everywhere. $ref can only be used in specific places where the OpenAPI Specification explicitly states that the value of a field can be a "Reference Object".

For example, $ref is not allowed directly under paths, under components/parameters and components/schemas - you can only reference individual paths, parameters and schemas.

The correct version of your example is:

    $ref: '#/paths/index.yml#/~1foo'  # $ref to root node `/foo` in `paths/index.yml`
    $ref: '#/paths/index.yml#/~1bar'  # $ref to root node `/bar` in `paths/index.yml`

      $ref: 'components/parameters/index.yml#/param1'
      $ref: 'components/parameters/index.yml#/param2'
      $ref: 'components/schemas/index.yml#/schema1'
      $ref: 'components/schemas/index.yml#/schema2'

If you want to use $ref in random places, you'll have to pre-process your definition using a parser/tool that can resolve arbitrary $refs; this will give you a valid OpenAPI file that can be used with OpenAPI-compliant tools. One such pre-processing tool is json-refs, you can find an example of pre-processing here.

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