Qt Programming: How To Extend Javascript API In Webkit
I am new to Qt and what I am trying to do is: Create a Linux app using the Qt framework. This app displays some web pages from the Internet. I want to extend the JavaScript API to
Solution 1:
Fortunately, there exists some documentation on this, finally: http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qtwebkit-bridge.html
Solution 2:
I've done a QWebKit project in which I stablished a bridge between Javascript and my C++ code.
To achieve this I used the method:
this->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject( "god", this );
This allows you to execute methods of the object you pass to addToJavaScriptWindowObject as second parameter from Javascript, using the object specified as first parameter.
Here an example:
class Browser : public QWebView
Browser( QWidget* parent=0 )
connect( this->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), this, SLOT(onJavaScriptWindowObjectCleared()) );
public slots:
void onJavaScriptWindowObjectCleared()
// QString script = "console.log('init!');";
// this->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( script );
void onChange()
qDebug() << "Browser::onChange()";
Then, from Javascript I can do:
$('input:text').keydown( god.onChange );
So every time I press a key in an input box, god.onChange() is executed which executes Browser::onChange() slot.
This way you avoid extending the JS api.
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