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How Dos XHR's "readyState==3" Work?

Here's the code snippet xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 3){ console.log('readyState response length ' + xhr.response.length); } } And the

Solution 1:

What is XHR readyState=3?

Having the readyState with a value of 3 it means that the current state is LOADING.

So when is a readyStateChange event for that state fired?

Whenever an asynchrounous request does switch to the LOADING state. That is especially triggered by:

Once the first byte (or more) of the response entity body has been received […] or If there is no response entity body […] Then switch to the LOADING state.

So browsers are free to fire this event with readyState 3 when they receive bytes of the response. Some trigger it more often (at every buffer flush), other's dont. The spec even says for the readystatechange Event:

The readyState attribute changes at some seemingly arbitrary times for historical reasons.

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