Preload Javascript And Css Files
Solution 1:
If you need to know when JS is loaded use the following loadScript
function. You might be able to do similarly for CSS, but I haven't tried it:
function preload(src, callback, node)
var script,
where = node || document.body;
ready = false;
script = where.ownerDocument.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
if ( !ready && ( !this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete' ) )
ready = true;
I've updated the function, and tested it in firefox. It works for both js and css (some cross-browser checking is required for css.
I'd also like to add a bit more information as to why you'd use the script
element to preload css instead of a link
When the page is being loaded, resources that affect the structure of the DOM need to be analyzed and inserted in the order that they appear. Script elements need to be executed in the context of the partially loaded DOM so that they affect only existing DOM nodes.
Stylesheets included via link
elements don't change the DOM (ignoring possible javascript insertion via url
). It doesn't matter if the stylesheet is loaded before during or after the DOM tree is parsed, so there's no necessary callback as to when the resource is loaded. If a script element is used to link to a stylesheet, the external resource still needs to be loaded before the javascript interpreter can decide whether to perform any actions, or whether it should crash with an exception.
If you preload each script in the context of a hidden iframe, you can contain all the errors to a separate context without crashing javascript running on the page.
One word of caution: external scripts that perform functions will still have a chance to execute before being removed. If the script is performing ajax polling or similarly unnecessary actions, consider not pre-loading that particular script.
You may be able to get around this using 'loaded'
in the place of 'complete'
, however there are some older browsers that only support onload
, so for those browsers the scripts would still be executed. Pre-loading is really meant to be used for library components that need to be called on various different pages.
Solution 2:
"The only way I've found is to document.write() the html tags after the document is loaded but this doesn't hive me a (reliable) indication of when the files are loaded"
You could append script elements i.e in your head tag and attach handlers to the onload or onreadystatechange 'events' to have an indication of when the files are loaded.
Following url explains some things in detail:
Solution 3:
After the question was answered I came onto the following: in HTML5 the tag now has an async option and recently major browsers also began to implement the defer attribute (it has been in IE for a long time). You can also place the scripts on the bottom of your body.
These allow you to defer loading/execution of the script until after the page has loaded and thus effectively get the desired behaviour.
HTML5 also defines the onload property for script elements (tags) which is probably what makes the
Solution 4:
I did it this Way:
$('<link/>', {
href: => path goes here <=,
Just enter your path there.
(works perfect for me)
[edit] of course, you need Jquery
Solution 5:
An $import.js is a tiny utility, that allows to control js/css/less files loading to the document when only it's necessary.
Usage example:
$import("script.js", "style.css", "[:js]script.php", function(files){ console.log(files); });
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