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Extjs 4 Upload Success Function Does Not React

i have a grid with an toolbar and on that toolbar an upload option is added, so the upload is alright and it works , but after the file was uploaded to the server the success funct

Solution 1:

The error message is explicit: your response is lost due to cross-domain iframe issue.

See the doc explanation of how file upload form are handled: a hidden iframe is created to receive the response from the server (because, before HTML5 it was not possible to upload a file using XHR). When the iframe is loaded, Ext parses its content to read the response.

But, it is only allowed for a page to manipulate its iframes content if both are on the same domain, including the port number.

Most probably you're accessing your page at http://localhost/, while you're posting your form to http://localhost:3000. So forbidden: error, and no response for you!

Solution 2:

This is a Ext js bug identified by Uberdude in the Sencha Forum.

Description of the problem :

When you make an Ext.Ajax.request with a form containing a file input to be uploaded, or manually set the isUpload option to true, rather than doing a proper Ajax request Ext submits the form in the standard HTML way to a dynamically generated hidden . The json response body is then read out of the iframe to create a faked-up Ajax response. A problem arises if the page making the upload Ajax request has changed its document.domain property, e.g. a page at includes resources from which it wishes to manipulate with javascript without violating the browser's same-origin-policy, so both set their document.domain to "". If then makes an upload Ajax request to a url on the server, the iframe into which the response is written will have its document.domain as "". Thus when the ExtJS code within Ajax.request on the page tries to extract the document body from the iframe, it will be blocked by the same-origin-policy and the response passed to the callback functions will incorrectly have empty responseText.

Work Around : 1. Pass the document.domain to the server when making the upload request. 2. In your server response, add the document.domain in your response text/html.

response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); response.write('document.domain = "' + params.__domain + '";'); response.write(JSON.stringify({msg: 'Welcome ' +})); response.end('');

Detail :

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