Set Array Values In Javascript From JSTL Code
I have a code that looks like this: In AnalyzeUserClient.jsp: <%= (ArrayList)request.getSession().getAttribute('arrayList') %><
Solution 1:
Don't mix EL and scriptlets. In fact, forget about scriptlets completely:
var sessionId = [];
<c:forEach items="${sessionScope.arrayList}" var="id">
Note though that this will generate invalid JavaScript if one of the IDs happens to contain a double quote. So you'd better JavaScript-escape the IDs before, in your controller. And I would suggest a completely different approach: serialize the list of IDs to a JSON string in your controller, and store this JSON string in request attribute. The JSP page will just need
var sessionId = ${jsonEncodedSessionIds};
which will translate to the following generated code:
var sessionId = ["id1", "id2"];
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