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Excel Like Behavior With SlickGrid

I'd like to mimic a particular behavior of spreadsheets with SlickGrid. The user: clicks on a cell to activate it enters =sum(, or whatever formula, the original cell address is

Solution 1:

This is not possible in SlickGrid 1.4.x, but is going to be supported in the version 2.0 that is currently still under active development. The alpha is hosted in a separate branch on GitHub -, and I just checked in preliminary code that supports this with an example. Please see

Here's a basic formula editor implementation:

function FormulaEditor(args) {
    var _self = this;
    var _editor = new TextCellEditor(args);
    var _selector;

    $.extend(this, _editor);

    function init() {
        // register a plugin to select a range and append it to the textbox
        // since events are fired in reverse order (most recently added are executed first),
        // this will override other plugins like moverows or selection model and will
        // not require the grid to not be in the edit mode
        _selector = new Slick.CellRangeSelector();

    this.destroy = function() {

    this.handleCellRangeSelected = function(e, args) {
        _editor.setValue(_editor.getValue() + args.range);


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