How To Use React Require Syntax?
Solution 1:
require is not a React api, nor is it a native browser api (for now).
require comes from commonjs and is most famously implemented in node.js, if you have used node.js, you will see requires everywhere.
due to the popularity of require in node, people have built tools which will transform code that is written in nodejs style to be useable on the browser.
there's a few benefits to using require, it helps you keep your code modular and for some projects it allows you to write isomorphic code (code that runs both on client and server with minimal change)
In order to use require, you will need to use a tool such as webpack or browserify, I will use browserify as an example.
first create an 'index.js'
alert('index works');
then create an app.js
alert('app works');
next install the browserify cli
npm install -g browserify
And call this command in your shell
browserify index.js > bundle.js
Now you will have a bundle.js, in your html page create a
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
And you should see both alerts run
Now you can continue to code, you can add react in your code by doing a
npm install react --save
and then require it in app.js for example
var React = require('react');
render: function(){/*Blah Blah Blah*/}
Solution 2:
BTW, If you are using webpack you can add to your webpack.config.js config file The following lines, eliminating the need to use require statements in your files:
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
'React': 'react',
'$': 'jquery',
'_': 'lodash',
'ReactDOM': 'react-dom',
'cssModule': 'react-css-modules',
'Promise': 'bluebird'
This is of course less verbose and not all developers like it, but it's good to know :)
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