How To Returns Correctly Matched Array?
I have a function that takes a string of DNA and how to return correctly matched dna array The code that I have tried: function checkDNA(dna) { var dnaarr = []; for(var i
Solution 1:
You could take an object for the nucleobases and take the characters of the string for getting the values for each character.
For unknow characters, a later filtering is applied.
function pair(string) {
var nucleobases = { G: 'C', C: 'G', T: 'A', A: 'T' };
return Array
.from(string.toUpperCase(), s => s in nucleobases && s + nucleobases[s])
Solution 2:
You are thinking this in the wrong way. You have to register those values.
Think about in the db way.
Here is an exmaple.
var dnaRules = {}
/// register DNA
register = function(key) {
var item = {};
if (dnaRules[key])
return dnaRules[key];
else {
item[key]= [];
item.equal = function(value){
item["data"] = value;
dnaRules[key]= item;
return item;
register("GGC").equal(['GC', 'GC', 'CG']);
register("gat").equal(["GC", "AT", "TA"]);
register("PGYYYHVB").equal(["GC", "GC", "GC"]);
// Search DNA
search = function(value){
var key = null;
if (v.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase())>=0)
key = v;
return key== null ? null : dnaRules[key]
var item = search("ggc"); // if the item dose not exist you get null
// now display the items
/// or you could change them even
// item.equal([])
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