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Making A Copy Of An Own Object Instead Of A Reference (updated Post, Different Q)

solution I am still getting the hang of it, and its probally logic for a lot of you. But I've updated the post with how I got it working, might some one come here by search. declar

Solution 1:

You are right, you should be using the new operator. Aside from that, it looks like you're trying to make this some type of factory hybrid. I suggest the following.

Use a Constructor Function

Include an optional configuration that you can use when creating the object.

var Element = function (initialConfig) {
    if (initialConfig) {

Add to the Prototype

All your shared Element members should be part of the prototype.

Element.prototype = {
    aArguments: {
        "id" : false,
        "name" : false,
        "type" : false,
        "title" : false, 
        "style" : false,
        "action" : [],
        "parent" : false,
        "children" : {},
    create:function ($aPassArguments) {
        for (var prop in this.aArguments)
            if (prop in $aPassArguments) 
                this.aArguments[prop] = $aPassArguments[prop];
        return this;
    append: function () {
        $argList = arguments;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $argList.length-1; $i++)
            if (typeof $argList[$i]=="string")
        return this;
    setChild: function($oChild) {
    getInfo: function($sKey) {
        return this.aArguments[$sKey];


Your examples should now work as you expected. Notice that you can't call new Element.create() as that would treat Element.create as a constructor. Instead, pass your initial values into the constructor.

$set = new Element({"id": 1, "name" : "wrapper"}).
     append(new Element({"id" : 3, "name" : "elm A"}));


Be Careful

You're not checking for own properties in your loops, omitting {}, and I spotted at least one implied global. JavaScript will bite you if you're not careful. Consider using JSLint or JSHint to help you spot these problems.

Solution 2:

Your create function does not create any object, but rather changes on place the Element. aArguments object. Any strange thing might follow.
Anyway, just go for a clean and simple prototypal inheritance scheme, do not use $, remember to always declare your vars, and keep things simple :

function Element(initialValues) { =; = null;
    this.type = null;
    this.title = null; = null;
    this.action = [];
    this.parent = null;
    this.children = [];
    for (var prop in initialValues)
        if (this[prop] != undefined) this[prop] = initialValues[prop];

Element.prototype = {
    append: function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
            var thisElement = arguments[i];
            if (typeof thisElement == "string") this.setChild(this.importDB(thisElement, true));
            else this.setChild(thisElement);
        return this;
    setChild: function (child) {
        return this;
    getInfo: function (key) {
        return this[Key];
    id: 0

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