What Is Double Arrow Function?
Solution 1:
let x= something1 => something2 => something3 is almost same as the following:
let x = function (something) {
return function (something2) {
return something3
The only difference is, arrows have lexical binding of this
, i.e. binding in compile time.
Solution 2:
An arrow function is
someParameters => someExpression
So, what is
someParameters => someThing => someThingElse
Well, by simple stupid "pattern matching", it's an arrow function, whose body (someExpression
) is
someThing => someThingElse
In other words, it's
someParameters => someOtherParameters => someExpression
There's nothing special about this. Functions are objects, they can be returned from functions, no matter if those functions are written using arrows or the function
The only thing you really need to know to read this properly is that the arrow is right-associative, IOW that
a => b => c === a => (b => c)
Note: An arrow function can also have a body consisting of statements as well as a single expression. I was specifically referring to the form the OP is confused about.
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