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'debugger' Command And JSLint

Google Chrome supports debugger command as a tool to setup a breakpoint in code. How can I hide warnings for the following code in JSLint: /*globals $, console, */ /*jslint browser

Solution 1:

JSLint has an explicit option to tolerate debugger statements, called debug:

debug: true if debugger statements should be allowed.

You can specify this option via your jslint directive:

/*jslint browser:true, white: true, debug: true */

Solution 2:

This error is raised to highlight a lack of convention and possible oversight by the developer.

You can disable it via:

function test() {
    /* ignore jslint start */
    /* ignore jslint end */

Solution 3:

Appears debug is gone, and this is now tolerated with the devel option, with the side effect that // TODO: etc are also tolerated with the single devel option.

devel: true if browser globals that are useful in development should be predefined, and if debugger statements and TODO comments should be allowed. It adds the same globals as this directive:

    alert, confirm, console, prompt

Be sure to turn this option off before going into production.

This lints:

/*jslint white, devel */

function test() {
        "use strict";
        debugger;     // JSLint reports the "Unexpected 'debugger'" error

Solution 4:

in react I used to do it during development like this:

debugger // eslint-disable-line

Solution 5:

Disable no-debugger to make it work! (only applicable in Typescript tslint)

"rules": {
    "no-debugger": false

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