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Adding Delay On Loading Each Row In HTML Table

I am loading data of HTML table dynamically from Jquery. $(document).ready(function () { for (var i = 0; i < StudentsList.length; i++) { LoadRow(StudentsList[i]);

Solution 1:

Working Fiddle


$("tbody tr").each(function () {
   $(this).fadeIn($(this).index() * offset);

Link to the result

Hope this is what you are looking for...!!

Solution 2:

Your code is not working because append is getting called at n:1000 for each row. Try following code, it will solve your problem, but it certainly is not a best approach.

$(document).ready(function () {

    for (var i = 0; i < StudentsList.length; i++) {

function LoadRow(student,n) {
        setTimeout(function (student) {
         $("#tbl tbody").append("<tr class='trStyleSummary'><td>" + student.Name + "</td></tr>");
         }, 1000*n);

Solution 3:

SetTimeout just runs things once. What you want is SetInterval so it runs like a clock. This is how I would solve it:

// From your example before
function LoadRow(student) {
  $("#tbl tbody").append("<tr class='trStyleSummary'><td>" + student.Name + "</td></tr>");

// Say for example you have these as your students: 
var students = [{ Name: 'joe' }, { Name: 'matt' }, { Name: 'sherry' }];

// The index of the last student
var l = students.length;

// Start a Count index
var i = 0;

var t = setInterval(function(){

  // Load one
  LoadRow( students[i] );

  // Increment up

  // Check if all is done, if so stop and clear out
  if (i == l) clearInterval(t);

}, 1000);

Solution 4:

Should try this way

$(document).ready(function () {

function LoadRow(list) {
    if(list != undefined || list.length < 1) {
        // done
        // do something else

    // Get first item
    const student = list.shift();

    $("#tbl tbody").append(`<tr class='trStyleSummary'>td>${student.Name}</td></tr>`);
    setTimeout(function (student) {
        // Recall the function after 0.15 second
     }, 150);

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