Invoke Java Using JavaScript Inside JavaFX. Is It Possible?
I am using WebEngine & WebView from JavaFX. Now I want to execute Java using javascript running inside WebEngine. My question is if it is possible to do so and if yes any hints
Solution 1:
I didn't manage to create Java instances but the thing I managed to do is to push object instances created in Java into JavaScript and call back to them.
So my Java-Code looks like this:
JSObject win = (JSObject) engine.executeScript("window");
win.setMember("jHelper", new JavaHelper());
example (must be public):
public static class JavaHelper {
public int newInteger(int input) {
// ...
public Random newRandom() {
// ...
And then then in JavaScript:
function bla() {
var number = jHelper.newInteger(1234);
var random = jHelper.newRandom();
// ...
You can see my work where I communicate between Java and JavaScript back and forth at and in action at
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