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Why Won't Error Handling Work In Nodemailer?

I am trying to set up a really simple contact form with nodemailer and it works fine, but my issue is that it doesn't handle errors. The page should redirect if an error is thrown,

Solution 1:

I finally figured out a solution to this myself. Here is a wrapper function:

function sendEmail(req) {
    const name =;
    const email =;
    const msg = req.body.message;

    const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
        host: '',
        port: 587,
        secure: false,
        service: 'gmail',
        auth: {
            user: //left out,
            pass: process.env['GMAIL_PASS']

    const mailOptions = {
        from: //left out
        to: //left out
        subject: 'Portfolio Inquiry',
        text: `
Name: ${name}
Email: ${email}


    return transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);

Then the function call:

try {
   await sendEmail(req);
   return res.redirect('/about?send=success#contact')
} catch (err) {
   return res.redirect('/about?send=fail#contact')

Because the sendMail function returns a promise when no callback is given, you can call it in a try...catch block.

Solution 2:

As stated already:

Because the sendMail function returns a promise when no callback is given, you can call it in a try...catch block.

sendMail returns a promise, you can chain .then() and .catch()for handling like:

// async/await is not available in the global scope, so we wrap in an IIFE
(() => {
    const result = await transporter

    // do something with `result` if needed

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