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D3 Cumulative Line Chart

I am new to d3 charts and i want to create d3 Cumulative Line Chart with date on x-axis,some values on y-axis and x & y axis's values should appear on tooltip. Here below is m

Solution 1:

I hope it would work.

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<link data-require="nvd3@1.1.14-beta" data-semver="1.1.14-beta" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script data-require="d3@3.3.11" data-semver="3.3.11" src=""></script>
<script data-require="nvd3@1.1.14-beta" data-semver="1.1.14-beta" src=""></script>
 <script  src=""></script>

    .nv-point {
        stroke-opacity: 1 !important;
        stroke-width: 10px;
        fill-opacity: 1 !important;
    .bullet { font: 10px sans-serif; }
.bullet .marker { stroke: #000; stroke-width: 2px; }
.bullet .tick line { stroke: #666; stroke-width: .5px; }
.bullet .range.s0 { fill: #eee; }
.bullet .range.s1 { fill: #ddd; }
.bullet .range.s2 { fill: #ccc; }
.bullet .measure.s0 { fill: steelblue; }
.bullet .title { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; }
.bullet .subtitle { fill: #999; }
<body> <div id="chart" style="height:500px"> 
<svg height="600" width="600"></svg>  </div>   
 var data1 = [
  "key": "Blood Sugar Random",
  "values": [
   [1399787880000, 4900],
   [1418291820000, 5400],
   [1427251500000, 5200],
   [1447046040000, 4900],
   [1447669500000, 35300],
   [1448085600000, 6400],
   [1448504100000, 2800],
   [1450418400000, 5800],
   [1452229200000, 4800],
   [1454559095000, 5000],
   [1468195946000, 5400],
   [1481531373000, 5100]] }];    
      nv.addGraph(function () {

          var chart = nv.models.lineChart().interpolate('cardinal')

            .x(function (d) {
                return d[0];
            .y(function (d) {
                return d[1]
            .forceY([50, 500])
            function (key, x, y, e) {   

            return '<div id="tooltipcustom">' + '<p id="head">' + key + '</p>'
            + '<p>' + y + ' at ' + new Date(e.point[0]).getDate().toString() + '-' + (new Date(e.point[0]).getMonth() + 1).toString() +
                '-' + new Date(e.point[0]).getFullYear().toString() + ' ' + new Date(e.point[0]).getHours().toString() + ':' + new Date(e.point[0]).getMinutes().toString() +
                ':' + (new Date(e.point[0]).getSeconds().toString() == '0' ? '00' : new Date(e.point[0]).getSeconds().toString()) + '</p></div>'

            .tickValues([1078030800000, 1122782400000, 1167541200000, 1251691200000])
            .tickFormat(function (d) {

                return d3.time.format("%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")(new Date(d))


            .tickFormat(function (d) {

                return d3.format('.2f')(d)


'#chart svg')


          return chart;

      }, function (chart) {

          x = chart;

          var x1 = chart.xScale()(1122782400000);
          var x2 = chart.xScale()(1251691200000);
          var height = chart.yAxis.range()[0];

          var y2 = chart.yScale()(80);
          var y1 = chart.yScale()(120);
          var width = chart.xAxis.range()[1];

            .attr('y', y1)
            .attr('height', y2 - y1)
            .style('fill', '#2b8811')
            .style('opacity', 0.2)
            .attr('x', 0)
            .attr('width', width);


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