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AngularJS With Ajax Form Submission Needing To Click Twice

I am needing to do the following activities from my HTML page: User enters email and password to register Form is sent to Controller when user clicks Submit Control uses AJAX to c

Solution 1:

Just do this: Inject $timeout service in your controller and wrap your code as following:

complete: function(response) {
    $timeout(function() {
        if (response.responseText == 'success') {
            console.log('Registration Success');
            $scope.msgalert = 'Registration Success, Proceed to Login and Continue';

        } else if (response.responseText == 'fail') {
            alert('registration failed');
            $scope.msgalert = 'Registration Failed, Please try again';

Also, change your HTML code like this:

<h3 ng-show="msgalert"><em>{{msgalert}}</em></h3>

So there is a concept of digest cycle in Angular. If you are doing something outside the Angular's context (like you are using jQuery AJAX to get the data and updating the $scope variable of msgalert), we have to tell Angular that something has changed in the data.

So after you get the response from the server and you updated the msgalert, Angular is unaware of that change since it is outside of the Angular's context so new digest cycle of Angular is triggered and the view is not updated.

Why you are seeing this is, when you click the submit button again in the form, then a digest cycle of Angular is triggered behind the scene and then your actual message is getting displayed.

To fix the problem, we wrapped your custom (outside angular context) code into the Angular's context using the $timeout service which is notifying the Angular immediately that the value in msgalert has changed

Optionally, you can write the $scope.$apply() after your if-else condition but it throws an exception sometimes that digest cycle is already in progress because calling $scope.$apply(), we are manually triggering the Angular's digest cycle. That is why the cleaner approach is to the $timeout service.


Please note that you don't have to use jQuery at all to do that AJAX call. Angular has $http service and using it you will not face that problem at all. You can write your code like this:

$scope.submitForm = function (isValid, user) {
    var regData = {
        password: user.password1

        method: "POST",
        url: "myurl",
        data: regData,          // You don't need to stringify it and no need to set any headers
    }).then(function (response) {
        // Success callback
        if (response.responseText == 'success') {
            $scope.msgalert = 'Registration Success, Proceed to Login and Continue';
        } else if (response.responseText == 'fail') {
            $scope.msgalert = 'Registration Failed, Please try again';
    }, function() {
        // Error callback

Solution 2:

Your actual problem is jquery AJAX usage. Normaly when a AJAX call is being made by angular $http it calls a scope.digest cycle internally while ajax response found. But here you are calling jquery ajax so angular is not able to digest the changes so binding is not working.

Try the following after just before complete method finished.


As follows

complete: function(response) {
              if(response.responseText == 'success'){
                console.log('Registration Success');
                   $scope.msgalert='Registration Success, Proceed to Login and Continue';

              else if(response.responseText == 'fail'){
                alert('registration failed');
                $scope.msgalert='Registration Failed, Please try again';


But it is better to use $http because it call $scope.$apply() internally.

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